
My Wise Teacher Once Said.

My English teacher decided to divulge a bit of information to me the other day. Something I would only expect Yoda the great and my English teacher to know.

"One of my own life philosophies is that all people are inherently lazy when given the option."
Said by Ms. English Teacher.
Wow, I agree. I mean... it's so true. When someone has the choice of doing something, they can choose the easy way, the "lazy" way, cause I mean, I don't think anyone wants to do it the hard way...
What do you think of this quote?


Anonymous said...

no, not exactly into book publishing. my major is journalism. my bad for giving you the wrong idea.

Anonymous said...

Ive actually heard that quote before :o And people are aww-they used the word I was going to use. Well, anyway, people are born, well, all living things are born, and live. [Thats why theyre living] And well >.>; part of our brains, its built into us to do things the way that requires the least energy. Its just the way we are wired lol. And yeah, I completely agree, Im such a lazy individual ;)