
Frustration/Stress And How It Bogs Us Down.

Topic!: When stress brings you down, there's nothing like a good pick-up vacation.

Reality: We don't have the time or money.

Solution: Make the time and money.

Reality: Life Obstacles such as low-paying, minimum wage job and family to support.

Solution: Uh... Erm... Let's be friends?

So that's my question I guess. When something stresses you out and you can't find a solution, what do you do that helps relieve stress? Sitting down and doing nothing doesn't really provide me relief because I know that the problems aren't going away.

How do you solve the chronic disease that everyone experiences? And no, don't mention crack [the drug].


Anonymous said...

First off, crack. >.>; Just kidding, lol. Anyway, heres what I end up doing:

If something is bothering me, it requires attention, but no time to take care of it? Onoes! Well, theres only one way to make time for it, and that is to get all the crap thats taking the time you need to take care of it away. So, get all the stuff thats not letting you deal with it done first, then you can take care of it. Its a lot of work, but after you get whatever it is taken care of in the end, its wholly satisfying due to the fact that its been on your mind the whole time. Also, while youre doing the other stuff, you can think about whatever it is and try to come up with a solution to deal with it by the time you get there.

In short: Do other things that are getting in the way while thinking of a solution, then deal with it after you figure it out.

Now, the another option is to stop doing anything, sit down, play a nice video game or two and think about a solution.

Or, perhaps, if there is someone you can talk to about whatever it is, they might be able to help you figure out a good solution.

Well, whatever has you bogged down, I hope it gets better ;)

Anonymous said...

Not long ago, I've read a motivation text somewhere that says: as long as it's not a matter of life and death situation (like a fatal illness etc.), there's not a single problem in the world you can't fix.

Well, what I usually do when I get stressed out is that I would first head for the bed and sleep. And cry it all out if I had to. I don't know about others but it works for me. I feel much better when I woke up, find myself realizing that whatever the problem is, it wasn't that significant as I thought it was before. It puts you back into the perspective to get yourself together and work on the solution later, rationally.

Alternatively, there's always confidante to confide in. ;)

Anonymous said...

reality: i eat when i'm stressed out.
solution: there's no solution that's why i'm not skinny. but it's all good.

really though, sometimes I think eating helps me. I get more energy to face my battles. I also sleep. sometimes I cry but that's not really voluntary so I'm not sure if it counts. I'd talk to people, but sometimes I just get annoyed because people aren't always honest and even when they are, the truth is ugly and you just get more stressed out. since i'm enjoy pleasure of the flesh, i'll tell ya something really inappropriate. some people say that sex is the best relief for stress, but i don't know... -yo sista :D