if you wish to be llama'ed, or want to try and discover the bliss of being llama'ed, just step right in, and have some coffee
=/ Its like the bunny that was torn in half by my house. It had some bugs on it already and it was still twitching! I mean...things die...other things eat it for food. Thats the way it is, but damnit. What'd the bunny or that bird do to deserve that? It wasnt them! Maybe one of their past lives, but come on. Karma sucks a lot of the times.
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=/ Its like the bunny that was torn in half by my house. It had some bugs on it already and it was still twitching! I mean...things die...other things eat it for food. Thats the way it is, but damnit. What'd the bunny or that bird do to deserve that? It wasnt them! Maybe one of their past lives, but come on. Karma sucks a lot of the times.
oh dear...
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